Medical team

The Neurohope-team brings together neurosurgeons, endocrinologists, ophthalmologists and neuroscientist physicians to provide highest standards in theirs specialities.


Dr. Monica Sandu – Seeping

Medical team

Dr. Nicoleta Arhire – neuroanesthesia


Dr. Robert Rob ORL (transnasal interventions)

Medical team

Dr. Radu Ocrain - clinical psychology


Dr. Ramona Bica - cardiology

Medical team

Dr. Ioana Gobej neuro - ophthalmology

Dr. Mihaela Andreescu - hematologie

Dr. Mihaela Andreescu - hematology

Dr. Serban Radian – neuroendocrinologie

Dr. Serban Radian – neuroendocrinology

Dr. Sorin Aldea (bord neurochirurgie NeuroHope )

Dr. Sorin Aldea (bord neurochirurgie)

Medical team

Dr. Diana Diaconu – ophthalmology


Neli Giciu asistent medical - coordonator sala op

Medical team

Maria Ionescu - manager pacienti Dr. Bica

Medical team

Cristi Nastasoiu - manager pacienti Dr. Gobej


Dr. Bogdan Andreescu manager NeuroHope


Irina Dumitrascu - director operational